Sunday, 28 October 2018

Two Simple Guides to Sanskrit

Need a simple guide to Sanskrit for Yoginis?

These two short documents have some very helpful hints:

Guide to Sanskrit Pronunciation

Sanskrit Made Simple

Yoga Within, TTP Homework

Source: Hindustan Times (Shutterstock)
Namaste Hatha Yoga Teacher Trainees,

It was great spending time with you today introducing the Language and Literature of Yoga.

Next time we meet, we will be examining two of the foundational texts of Yoga in greater depth:

  • The Bhagavad Gita
  • The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

To prepare, please select one translation of each of the aforementioned texts and answer the following twelve questions for each:

1) What type of source is it?
2) Who authored or created it?
3) What year was it written or created?
4) What historical events were taking place at the time?
5) Who was the intended audience?
6) What point of view does the author/creator represent?
7) How does the point of view shape the source?
8) What does the source contribute to Yoga as we know it?
9) Is this source historically convincing? Why or why not?
10) Why did you choose this source?
11) Would you recommend this source to others?  If so, who?
12) How did this source translate the key definition of yoga? (BG 2.50 and PYS 1.2)

This set of questions has been adapted from The Historical Thinking Project, Primary Source Evidence template.  The Historical Thinking Project is a non-profit educational initiative, funded by the Department of Canadian Heritage, which promotes critical historical literacy for the 21st Century.

Om Shanti

Friday, 26 October 2018

Mantra Sangha with Sparrow

*Please note the change of venues below!
If you had a chance to attend a screening of the movie Mantra - Sounds into Silence recently, you may be as excited as I am to participate in a sangha or community of healing sound lovers.

Luckily, if you live in the Edmonton area, here is your opportunity!

Along with local music therapist, yogini and songwriter Sparrow (Tiffany Brulotte), I'm thrilled to be participating in a new project we call Mantra Sangha.

Weaving various forms of Japa, Kirtan, Meditation and Chanting into a tapestry of sound, silence, and spirit, Sparrow and I welcome you to experience for yourself the healing benefits of Mantra.

Currently, the dates are as follows:  October 19, November 2, November 30 and December 14, all at Shanti Yoga (10459 145 St) starting at 7 pm

Please note* We are adding and updating events so to confirm accurate dates, times and venues, you can check back here at Kali's Kitchen or visit Sparrow's Facebook page.

If you would like to book an event in your space, please contact either of us.  We will be happy to discuss it with you.

In the spirit of inclusivity and cultivating generosity, the fee for the events is based on Daana or "pay what you can".  We hope this will inspire you to come and bring your friends to share in the resonance of unity and harmony.

You do not need to be a singer or experienced meditator to join in.

"Come, come, whoever you are... Come, yet again, come." - Rumi

Turn up the Volume of Love

Image Source:  NDTV
Its been 50 years since The Beatles made their world famous trip to an ashram in Rishikesh, India.

Here are two short-but-sweet videos from UPLIFT TV highlighting the power of Love and the influence The Beatles had on Yoga in the west.

All You Need is Love

The Beatles and Mantra with Miten

Thursday Night Yoga at South Cooking Lake Starts Nov. 1

Tara in Downward Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)
Wow, things are coming full circle. 

In the last twenty years, my yoga classes have grown from my own backyard, out into the world, and now, they are returning home.

I'm excited to announce I'll be teaching the Thursday evening Beginner/Intermediate Hatha Yoga class at South Cooking Lake Community Hall beginning November 1st.

Please connect with the South Cooking Lake Community League Facebook Page to register.